CASMEX Integration Modules
CASMEX Core Remittance solution is a comprehensive, agile, integrated business solution addressing all the core needs of a remittance Financial Institute, in easy-to configure modules as per business needs. Conceptualized and designed by functional/ IT professionals who have decades of experience in the field of remittance.
Customer Relation
CASMEX enables your organization to start with complete and accurate customer information centrally as a single source by maintaining the profile of corporate/ individual entities including existing customers, new customers for selling its products and services.Complete KYC documents are stored electronically for statutory audits.
Beneficiary Profile
CASMEX allows to store and maintain multiple beneficiary profiles of a customer country , currency wise with all information like beneficiary banking details, swift, iban, bic codes.
Correspondent Management
High configuration of correspondent rules & parameters like multi slab , cost rate, commission, bank charges can be configured by users.
Currency Rate Setup
Flexible setup options on currency rates zone, branch, correspondent wise based on margins, customer groups and services.
Workflow Management
Users can outline different workflow management based on the business process including maker checker on critical master data, data transmission, cancellations etc.
Built-in Online Accounting
CASMEX has a built-in integrated financial and accounting management system with multicurrency support, that effectively serves organizations with multiple branches and profit centers. The integrated general ledger module supports real-time online updating of transactions and allows real time generation of statements that show each correspondent / teller financial position.
CASMEX is deployed with international data of countries, currencies, international bank, branch, swift, BIC, IFSC list.
Customer Analytics
Any business can benefit from proper customer analytics and business reports and rigorous statistical models. It provides critical information such as customer attrition scores or profitability measures to help develop a clear picture of the customer. this information can also be extended to front-end applications for Customer rating
Modernize your payments with CASMEX advanced enterprise payments services hub:
• the solution manages end-to-end payments lifecycle and processes payments regardless of payment instruments, originating channels, hosting modules and payment networks.
• CASMEX utilizes its own API Connect Portal system/ Web link System to connect across various global correspondents.
• CASMEX links through SWIFT alliance System to connect across various global correspondents.
Advance operational efficiencies and user experience by enabling availability of frequently used functions on a single console.
Increased Operational Efficiency
CASMEX solution supports process automation, eliminating manual tasks and reducing turnaround time (TAT), resulting in increasing output and enabling speedy completion of tasks.
Multilingual Deployment
CASMEX supports bi-directional scripts and internalization of data formats. The translation toolkit is user configurable and can expand to any languages.
Standard based Architecture
CASMEX has multi tier architecture with distinct presentation, business and database layers. Built up using the state of the art technology with a robust database engine, solution is compatible to most common internet browsers. Scaled to handle high volume data. Ease of integration with industry standards-based framework and readymade adapters to integrate with existing and external systems. Sophisticated security management at application, database, and user levels with role-based access.
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